Following their recent EGM, required due to the majority of previous committee members moving away to pursue other interests or having Covid-related changes to their circumstances, the youth theatre group of Wellington Arts Association, GENESIS has a new committee, led by Rob Spurway and is pleased to announce that sessions will re-commence on Wednesday 6 October 2021 at the Arts Centre, Eight Acre Lane, Wellington, 7pm to 9pm.
The Youth Theatre Group is for children in school years 7 to 11. They always have an amazing amount of fun learning all aspects of theatre – stage craft, singing, characterisation, how to make and use props, understanding and using sound and lighting effects, script writing, choreography, costume design, slap-stick and much, much more. They will perform a Christmas cabaret in December this year and a summer show in 2022.
The Arts Association is a non-profit community organisation which supports the youth members of Genesis and all these rewarding experiences, delivered by experienced people with many years in the theatre environment, both onstage and behind the scenes, can be enjoyed for the junior annual membership fee of just £7.00. That’s around 30p per week, term time for quality and fun theatrical education.
If your child would like to be involved, please email and they will contact you.
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