X marks the spot for Panto Group in 2022

This year I have been chosen to direct Wellington Pantomime Group’s 2022 production. Well, it was meant to be 2021, but the less said about that the better.

Treasure island, a Robert Louis Stevenson tale, makes no reference to pantomime dames or talking parrots. The story is a lesser well known Pantomime story, however, the story of Long John Silver is famous the world over. The script the committee have agreed to stage is by Ben Crocker, an award winning pantomime script writer, which has 16 principal parts and 7 smaller cameo roles. The show has the potential to have a large chorus.

The story, without giving too much away, involves the aforementioned Pirate villain but pitches him against the ‘Smugglers Cove Women’s Institute’! What I like about this script is it’s pace and stageability, lots of quick scenes with plenty going on for the cast and audience. While this will be my first pantomime as director, I’ve been involved in pantomime in one form or another for the last 10 years! I absolutely love the genre because it engages the whole family by telling fun and engaging stories.

We will be announcing our audition process shortly. To get a feel for the show, please email me for more information, including script excerpts and a cast.

Kirk J Shepherd


One Response

  1. Well that’s done a lot to lift the gloom and hoo blooming ray!! I think I had a script excerpt for the Women’s Institute parts last year but I can’t find it so please will you send it again along with any other information that might be useful? Thanks a lot and will look forward to hearing about auditions etc. Love to all ,x

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X marks the spot for Panto Group in 2022

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