It’s Almost Panto Time

Wellington Pantomime Group is proud to announce they will be performing a brand new pantomime, titled Once Upon a Time in Pantoland in January 2023.

Launch night and first audition workshop – Tuesday 7th June 7.30pm

Second Audition workshop – Friday 10th June – 7.30pm

Main Auditions – Sunday 12th June, 10am – 3pm – specific times TBA.

All the above at Wellington Arts Centre, Eight Acre Lane, Wellington, TA21 8PS

To register your interest and for an audition pack, please email:

4 responses

  1. Please can I register interest in being in the 2023 Panto. Unfortunately, I’m on holiday from 8th to 18th June ,which cuts out all the workshops and audition dates except for Tuesday 7th June. Please would it be possible to have a list of characters and do a quick reading for you on that evening? Sorry to be a pain but hope we can work something out.

    1. Hi,

      I have forwarded this to the WAA Secretary who will ensure the message gets to the relevant people.


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