Final Call For Casey Street Residents

It is not too late to get involved with this fabulous show!  The auditions are THIS SUNDAY! (12th December)

Please see below the time slots for the characters.  If you would like to audition, we must receive an audition form.
Here is the link to the youtube version on the west end.  We’re not doing exactly the same script, but it’s pretty similar so it will give you a good idea.
Here is the link to all the audition pieces along with the rehearsal schedule and character descriptions and FAQs sheet.
Here is the link to the audition form.

The times for the auditions are as follows:
JOE, EMMO, LEWIS – 10:00am – 11:30am
SARAH, BILLIE, ANGIE – 11:30am – 13:00pm
KATH, DAD – 14:00pm – 15:00pm
 – 14:30pm – 15:30pm 
DANCERS –  15:30pm – 16:30pm

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Cazz Redstone

Production Coordinator

Wellington Operatic Society

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Final Call For Casey Street Residents

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