Wellington Panto 2022 will be the first opportunity to get back on stage at the Wellesley since Covid!
We’re delighted to provide you with the audition materials attached below, please contact treasureisland@w-a-a.co.uk to register your interest in auditioning.
Auditions will be held on Sunday 8th August 2021 at 9:30am.
You do not have to specify what you’re auditioning for, only what age you will be on the first of September (if under 18 at that time).
As for the show, Treasure Island is a fun, fast paced script with lots of parts for our cast to shine! With a new creative team we hope to produce a lively and entertaining pantomime worthy of the WAA’s return to the Wellesley.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us through email or social media… or even if you spot Kirk, Holly, Bridgette, Dawn or Ian walking down the street!
We look forward to seeing everyone at auditions and proving that The Wellington Pantomime Group is one of the things that make Wellington great!
6 responses
My daughter would like to take part in one off the work shops you will be holding..
I have passed your email address on the relevant people. Someone will be in touch soon!
Where do we find the new lyrics/backing track for the chorus please?
You will need to contact the pantomime group about show related issues.
This particular show can be contacted at treasureisland@w-a-a.co.uk
Could I book Ruby in please ..
You will need to contact the pantomime group about show related issues.
This particular show can be contacted at treasureisland@w-a-a.co.uk