Invite to all for Cliff Launch

On Thursday May 26th at 7pm the Operatic Society will introduce its autumn 2022 production
“Cliff” which celebrates the songs of a true British icon, Sir Cliff
Richard. Sir Cliff is the only artist to have a hit album in every decade
since the 50’s. He celebrates his 82 nd birthday in 2022.

You will get an opportunity to listen to a preview of some of the songs
that have been short listed for this show covering Sir Cliff’s hits from the
charts, movies and stage shows. You will meet the Director John Walker
and some of his team. The songs are a true celebration of this amazing
and popular star. The Operatic Society is looking for enthusiastic
performers who will shine a light on his most memorable hits from Rock
‘n Roll, Ballads, Eurovision, Stage, Movies, Christmas, Gospel – the
songs are endless.

In his 16 years involvement with the Arts Association John Walker has
devised and directed several Autumn Shows celebrating the songs and
music of John Lennon, Elvis Presley, James Bond and Bacharach.

Rehearsals begin on Monday 12th September and thereafter on
Thursdays and Mondays until the show week of 7th November.

Once, we know the number of members who want to be part of this
show, a few preliminary rehearsals will be arranged to familiarise the
company with the songs, before September 2022.

To become a member of the WAA and it’s constituent groups follow this link

Join The WAA

Looking forward to seeing you at the launch.

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Invite to all for Cliff Launch

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