Find Out More About The Residents Of Casey Street And Our New Show Dates!

Firstly, we have some important news…. our show dates have changed slightly to  

Wednesday 27th– Saturday 30thApril 2022 

(with a Matinee on Saturday) 

This is because we perform our shows at our fantastic Wellesley Theatre.  Most of the year, the building is used as a cinema by Merlin Cinemas, until we transform it into a theatre to perform in.  In May 2022, Merlin Cinemas have secured a Disney film on it’s release date (look out for details in the press nearer the time) so we thought this was exciting and have moved our show week dates a week earlier! 

So here’s the buzz… during lockdown we were fortunate to be able to completely refurbish the Arts Centre! It’s nearly completed and the association have the wheels in motion to get going with all of our shows – in our brand new, swanky rehearsal space!! Excited is an understatement! 

The first events for OUR HOUSE, are the workshops and auditions in December, followed by a social night / admin night in January, before we hit the road running with rehearsals in February.  More details soon! 

However, we know what you really want to know is; “Who are the characters and what can I audition for?”  

So… we have attached a character description list and a synopsis of the show. 

If you follow this link it takes you to the West End version on YouTube.  Whilst the version we’re doing isn’t exactly the same, it’s pretty close.  Have a watch – it’s great for research! 

The Production Team 

Cazz Redstone (Production Coordinator) 

Rob Spurway (Director) 

Joe Beckhelling (Musical Director) 

Beth Swan (Choreographer) 

2 responses

  1. I’ve enjoyed watching several of your shows since I moved to Welly 10 years ago and I really like the idea of auditioning for this one, are the auditions open to everyone and, if so, when will they be held please?

    1. Hi Steve,

      Thanks for getting in touch. The Launch night (a chance to find out all about the show) will be just after our autumn show. The auditions will be held in mid-December. Please register your interest using the link below and we will be releasing more information in the next few weeks.

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Find Out More About The Residents Of Casey Street And Our New Show Dates!

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